Stroke awareness is surprisingly lacking, particularly since there are about 1 million strokes occurring in the US annually. And surprising to many is that strokes can happen to Folks of ALL AGES.
Stroke awareness is surprisingly lacking, particularly since there are about 1 million strokes occurring in the US annually. And surprising to many is that strokes can happen to Folks of ALL AGES.
May is an important month because it is Stroke Awareness Month. It is critical that if you think that you, or someone in your proximity, is exhibiting stroke-like symptoms that they get to a hospital, and better yet, a Stroke Center ASAP. To accomplish that- CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!
Memory care isn’t generally recommended for stroke victims, but other care options, including skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities, offer a full range of therapies and specialized equipment, helping stroke victims maintain a high quality of life as they recover.