Stroke can impact people of all ages, however 2/3ds of stroke survivors are over 65 years of age. As those survivors age many of them will need extra care. Whether you’re just starting to explore options or already have a plan in mind, our goal is always to ensure a safe, comfortable, and satisfying life for our elderly loved ones.
Stroke survivors need extra care, guidance, and support during their recovery. Therefore, it is important to monitor the stroke survivor’s health and physical activity, speak positively when giving instructions or offering help, and provide a safe environment by removing any potential hazards in the home. Also, it is important to advocate for the survivor to find appropriate resources for long-term care, if necessary. With these tips from SeniorHomes.com, stroke survivors get the benefit of information to improve their post-stroke lifestyles.
Source: https://www.seniorhomes.com/getting-started/
Getting Started with Elder Care
Choosing housing and care services for an older person can be tough – it’s complicated, emotional and expensive, and every person’s circumstances are unique. Few of us have the experience to know how to do it right.
Six Steps to Determining Elder Care Needs
We’ve outlined six steps to determine an older adult’s care needs.
Senior Care Options
Understanding the different senior care options is an important step on your journey to find the right setting for your loved one. As you read through this list and move forward in your search, keep in mind a good rule of thumb is “safety first.” Which option offers the most safety for your loved one? Read more about senior care options…
Geriatric Care Managers Can Help
Where can your turn when those conversations about senior care become difficult? Who’s available to help you sort through all the options? Is there a neutral third party who can listen objectively and make recommendations? If you’re miles away who can make a personal visit to assess care needs? The answer: geriatric care managers.
Geriatric Care Management: Creating a Plan and a Team
Geriatric care management is the process of assessing a senior’s needs for medical and personal services, developing a care plan, coordinating services, monitoring outcomes and adapting services to changing circumstances. Typically the geriatric care management team is led by a geriatric care manager who is a qualified nurse or social worker. Every senior and family situation is different, so the make up of the geriatric care management team will vary.
Elderly Parents: To Move or Not to Move
The answer is typically a blend of personal preference, desired lifestyle, financial resources and health care needs. Ideally the decision to move is a matter of choice; frequently it is driven by necessity. At some point all families wonder if elderly parents should remain at home or move to one of the many senior care options.
Long-Term Care Facilities: How to Choose the Right One
Choosing a long-term care facility is a big decision. It requires you to make important choices about where you will live, who will be providing your health care and assisting you with daily living tasks, how much you will pay for these services, who will be your neighbors, and so much more. Read more about how to choose a long term care facility.
Stroke Recovery Foundation is dedicated to improving stroke outcomes for survivors of all ages. As a 501c3 we appreciate donations which facilitate our continued efforts to educate the populous at large.
If you believe that you or someone you are with is having a stroke