The pandemic has made stroke recovery that much harder! One of our Medical Advisors, Dr. Aileen Staller, Asst. Professor of Nursing at Ave Maria Nursing School and the former Stroke Coordinator at Physician’s Regional Hospital in FL, recently pointed out to me that, “The pandemic has introduced a new issue into the treatment of stroke; namely how we assure that stroke patients get the degree of rehabilitation and assistance they need in the fractured and segmented health care system that we have.”
To address this issue, we have stepped up our coaching and navigation efforts to help people connect with the resources they need. Also, we are developing a more formalized innovative stroke coaching initiative. Getting a bit more personal, I thought I would mention a few examples of survivors we have recently helped:
- A 53-year-old biotech research executive who went to the incorrect rehab hospital and had given up on rehabilitation – we coached him and referred him to a wonderful speech pathologist who is helping him regain his former speech.
- The Lighthouse in FL called us for help with a blind client who had suffered a stroke. We coached his wife and the client and referred them to a great occupational therapist we know. With her help, some vision is returning to one of his eyes and he is now better able to navigate his home and his life. Frankly, unbelievable!
- A mid-60s former hospital administrator who had suffered a stroke and forgot that she had healthcare communication skills. And frankly, those skills are really important when advocating for help. We coached her to refresh her memory that she knew the healthcare system. Now she has changed her mind-set and is getting the kind of rehab help she requires.
If you would like me to speak in person or virtually about stroke prevention, recovery, or resilience after trauma, please get in touch. I would be delighted to do so.
We cannot provide these life-changing services without your financial support. If you are a past donor or a future one, be proud of your giving role. And shamelessly, we hope you continue to support us. And if anyone in your ‘world’ requires our help with stroke issues – PLEASE EMAIL OR CALL US!
Photo courtesy of Pexels
Bob Mandell
Founder and Managing Director